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Definition and Usage

The HTML  <br> tag is an inline element used to create  or force a single line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant. The <br> element is used to insert a line break or carriage-return within a parent element such as a paragraph without breaking out of the parent container. The <br> tag is an empty tag. In other words, it has no end tag.. In XHTML documents, write this element as <br />.It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.

The br element’s purpose is very simple: it creates a line break within a block of text, leaving no padding or margins between the two blocks of text created by the line break. While it’s still perfectly valid to use this element in XHTML Strict pages (it’s not on the list of deprecated elements), you need to take care that you don’t misuse it, because:

  • It can be used in a presentational manner. For example, you might use a series of br elements in succession to create a new paragraph effect, instead of simply using a or a blockquote and applying CSS to set the layout.
  • Using br elements becomes a real headache if, later, you want to correct visual inconsistencies and have to sweep through hundreds of files to strip them out.

