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Definition and Usage

The <dt> tag defines a term/name in a description and used to define the start of a term in a definition list. A definition list is similar to other lists but in a definition list, each list item contains two entries; a term and a description. The <dt> tag is used in conjunction with <dl> (defines a description list) and <dd> (describes each term/name). The HTML <dt> identifies a term in a description list. This element can occur only as a child element of a <dl> . It is usually followed by a <dd> element; however, multiple <dt> elements in a row indicate several terms that are all defined by the immediate next <dd> element.


The <dt> tag is written as <dt></dt> with the definition term inserted between the start and end tag. The tag must be used inside a <dl> element and must come before the <dd> element/s that is/are associated with it. Like this: