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Definition and Usage

The <label> tag is used to create labels for items in a user interface. Typically used within <input> tags on a form, the <label> tag is additionally useful because it extends the clickable area of control elements, like buttons. The <label> tag defines a label for an <input> element. The <label> element does not render as anything special for the user However, It provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the <label> element, it toggles the control. The for attribute of the <label> tag should be equal to the id attribute of the related element to bind them together. The HTML <label> tag is used to add a label to a form control like text, textarea etc. A label can be associated to a form control either by nesting the control within it or by matching the value of the label’s for attribute to the value of a control’s id attribute. Syntax <label></label>