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Definition and Usage

The <samp> tag is a phrase tag. When writing in HTML, the <samp> tag is an inline element The HTML <samp> tag represents sample output from a computer program, script etc. This sample output is the output that is displayed to the user when the user is running an application. The samp element’s purpose is to identify a sample of characters that form the output or result of some process. It’s not often seen in practice, but would most probably be encountered in an online technical manual or support site of some kind.


<samp>Sample output...</samp> Note: You can use the <samp> tag along with the <kbd> tag to represent both sample output and user input. For example, in a list of instructions, you could instruct the user to click a button. The action of clicking is user input and therefore requires the <kbd> tag. The name of the button is sample output and therefore requires the <samp> tag.