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Definition and Usage

The <select> tag is an inline element used to create a drop-down list and designate a control that presents a drop-down menu of options that allows users to pick among a number of options. This element's behavior changes substantially according to the value of the multiple attribute, which decides wether the control will allow users to pick one single option or many. The <option> tags inside the <select> element define the available options in the list.
  •  The HTML <select> tag is used within a form for defining a select list.
  • The options in the list are defined by the <option> tag and can be grouped together using <optgroup>.
Depending on the value of this attribute, the select control can be compared to radio buttons (when the multiple attribute is absent), that allow users to pick only one option among many, and to checkboxes (when the multiple attribute is present), that allow users to pick as many options as there are available.


<select> <option value="">item1</option> <option value="">item2</option> <option value="">item3</option> <option value="">item4</option> </select>